October 18, 2024

The Main Causes of Melasma You Should Know About


If you have ever noticed dark brown spots appearing on your skin it is most likely a hyperpigmentation known as melasma. This skin condition usually shows up on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and upper lip of women. Men can develop melasma too but it affects more women.

People with this skin condition are often looking for a quick cure but there is none. In order to remove melasma, you have to be patient and consistently apply whatever treatment you feel will help improve the appearance of your skin.

What Causes Melasma

The exact cause of melasma is still not known but many doctors speculate it has something to do with hormonal imbalance. This is why women are usually the victims of this condition because their hormones are often out of its normal balance due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills.

Some believe that your genes have a lot to do with whether or not if you have melasma. Your genetics can be a factor because if you’re from a tropical area where people have a darker skin tone that chances are you’re going to have problems with melasma.

Finally Melasma Free states, “People with dark skin are more prone to get melasma than those who have lighter skin so if someone in your family has melasma and their skin is on the dark side then it wouldn’t be a surprise if you end up developing melasma as well.”

Another common cause of melasma is due to overexposure to the sun. If you are constantly out in the sunlight and you’re already at risk of developing melasma then you run the high risk of triggering this persistent skin condition. People with melasma problems should never stay out in the sun too long.

If you do have to stay out in the sun for an extended period of time it’s a good idea to wear some kind of sunscreen to help protect your face. A good sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun would be one that’s an SPF 30 or higher and one that can be re-applied to your skin without causing irritation.

If you’re taking a certain medication and you notice your melasma begins to get worse then you should stop taking this medication and consult your doctor. Medications like Dilantin have been known to cause melasma outbreaks in some people.

If you have a problem with melasma always tell your doctor so he or she can know what medication they should or shouldn’t prescribe to you in order to prevent the outbreak of melasma on your face.

Certain conditions like thyroid disease can also cause the development of melasma. The reason this condition causes melasma to develop is that it triggers the overproduction of the skin pigment melanin in your skin which makes your skin appear darker than what it’s supposed to be.


These are some of the most common causes of melasma out there. Always remember to consult with your doctor before you start taking any medication so that you can avoid triggering this embarrassing skin condition.