March 31, 2025

All you need to know about irregular periods?


The usual length of a menstrual cycle of a female is 28 days, but it changes from person to person. If the length of your cycle exceeds the time frame of 35 days, it can be termed as irregular periods. If blood clots appear and there are alterations in blood flow, it is considered irregular menstruation. The medical term for irregular periods is oligomenorrhea.

Irregular periods do not require treatment during puberty and menopause. But, during one’s reproductive years, it needs to be taken seriously.

The reason behind irregular periods:

Life cycle alterations influencing our hormonal balance are puberty, pregnancy, menopause, breastfeeding, and childbirth.

1. The female body undergoes significant changes during puberty. The progesterone and estrogen levels require several years to reach a certain balance. Irregular periods are, therefore, natural at this age.

2. Irregular periods are also common before menopause. Menopause is defined as the period that arrives after a woman hasn’t bled for 12 consequent months. A woman does not have periods anymore after menopause. Menstruation ceases during pregnancy. Periods also do not happen when women breastfeed.

3. Irregular bleeding is also caused due to use of contraceptive pills. Heavy bleeding is common after using IUD or intrauterine device. When women use contraceptives for the first time, they experience lighter and shorter periods than usual periods. They might also have their periods some days before or after their actual date. This happens as the menstrual cycle undergoes some changes due to an intake of contraceptive pills. After a few months, they again have normal periods.

Changes associated with oligomenorrhea are

  • Excessive weight loss
  • Emotional stress
  • Excess weight gain
  • Endurance exercise like marathon running
  • Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia

Complications involved with irregular bleeding

Sometimes, irregular periods may hint at a serious health problem or it may lead to complications in future (like infertility).

1. PCOS-

In Polycystic ovarian syndrome, crystals are formed in one’s ovaries. Irregular bleeding is the main symptom of PCOS. Other symptoms are acne, obesity and excess growth of hair.

2. Uterine or cervical cancer –

Uterine or cervical cancer often causes bleeding while having sex or between periods.

3. PID –

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease infects the reproductive system of the female body. If it is detected in its initial stage, antibiotics are given to cure it.

4. Thyroid disorder –

A thyroid disorder can also be the reason behind irregular periods.

5. Endometriosis –

In endometriosis, cells that generally grow inside our uterus are found outside the uterus. Though it is not cancerous, it is painful, causes irregular periods and even infertility.

Home remedies to deal with irregular periods

Unless there are serious health issues, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce some of the problems faced due to irregular menstruation. Two such remedies are:

Eating healthy and nutritious food regularly

Exercising daily for reducing problems associated with irregular bleeding and cramps during periods. You can also order tramadol online for treating severe menstrual cramps during first and second day of your periods.