February 22, 2025

Are Breast Implants Safe for Pregnant Women?

Breast Implants

It’s a widely held misconception that any form of breast augmentation performed prior to pregnancy or upon a pregnant woman will inevitably result in damages to the unborn baby. The fear of increasing the risk of fatal abnormalities or delaying the development of a child can be off-putting to many women who are considering getting breast implants. Upon looking into the procedure and stipulations of breast surgery, one can put their own minds at ease, discovering that the procedure is harmless towards their babies. If this isn’t sufficient to assuage an expecting mother, there has been a plethora of studies conducted on the subject that all point to the same conclusion.

Do Breast Implants Impede Breast Feeding?

In practically all cases where the procedure is performed correctly and in the recommended and regulated manner, there should be no reason for hindrance during subsequent breastfeeding. Both prolactin and oxycontin are necessary hormones in the process of lactation a the let-down of milk from the breast, the insertion of silicone or saline implants does not prevent the body’s ability to formulate these hormones or disperse them throughout the body and breasts.

If the incision for the implants is made at the fold of the breast or near the armpit none of the vital tissues for breastfeeding should be disturbed, especially given the fact that implants are commonly placed the pectoral muscle meaning that there is no damage or work done to the tissues and nerves necessary for breastfeeding. There is no evidence that the presence of silicone implants during breastfeeding increases the risk of auto-immune illness or stomach problems in the baby. An additional small study that measured the quantity of silicone in breast milk from women with implants found that levels were not increased compared to women without implants.

How Do Breast Implants Change with Pregnancy?

Another concern frequently cited by expecting mothers, whether they’ve undergone breast augmentation or not, is the change in shape and firmness of their breasts throughout, and post pregnancy. A woman’s breasts will naturally grow and swell during pregnancy due to a process called “engorgement”. After engorgement, during breastfeeding, the breasts are often expected to sag and lose shape. The sagging does not often occur for women with breast implants. The shape of the breast is kept due to the silicone implant. For more information on how implants change with pregnancy visit:

Do Breast Implants Affect the Health of The Unborn Baby?

This question is by far the most asked by expecting mothers and understandably so.
Studies conducted on the rate of perinatal death in the pregnancies of 2000 women with breast implants shows that there is no increase in deaths to the general population.

Two large studies together investigated a total of over 2,300 babies born to women with silicone implants. Both concluded that birth defects were no more common in these babies than in babies born to women without silicone implants. An in-depth study done by the Institute of Medicine (US) can be seen here:

Recommended Surgical Practitioners? Try Europe Surgery

Above all, it is crucial that a fully-trained and experienced professional plastic surgeon is chosen to perform the breast augmentation. You’ll find the UK trained professional surgeons at Europe Surgery https://europesurgery.co.uk/ performing high-standard breast augmentations for 1/3 cheaper than the average market price. Situated in Poland, your travel, accommodation, and surgical costs will all be included within the same fee.

References: Institute of Medicine (US); Grigg M, Bondurant S, Ernster VL, et al., editors.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000.