March 12, 2025

Cervix Fibroids and Their Symptom – Pregnancy and Fibroids


A cervix is the very tiny opening of the base of the uterus in the abdominal area of a woman. The structure, 3 to 5 centimetres in length, is the connection of the vagina to the uterus. Firm and smooth masses can grow along the sides of the cervix and are referred to as cervical fibroids. Symptoms of these cervical fibroids include menstrual changes, pain, and bowel or bladder changes.

Abdominal cramping or pain

Cervical fibroids can irritate which inflames the cervix and uterus, which are located within the lower abdomen of a woman. Inflammation of the lower abdomen can often cause mild or severe cramping in the abdominal area together with pain in a woman’s lower abdomen. Abdominal irritation can often lead to mild or severe abdominal cramping, pressure or pain especially with women who have cervical fibroids. Abdominal as well as pelvic pain can be severe during a monthly menstrual cycle. In some cases, the abdominal pain will radiate into the lower back.

Menstrual cycle changes

Women with cervical fibroids will often experience unusually prolonged as well as heavy menstrual cycles are all symptoms of these fibroids. Increased blood loss during heavy menstrual cycles can lower a woman’s risk of having anaemia which is the flowing red blood cell levels. Spotting may too occur between periods.

Pain during Intercourse

Women with cervical fibroids can have unusual pain sensations during or after sexual intercourse, as symptom medically referred to as dyspareunia. Penetration of the vaginal can irritate the affected tissue of the cervical, which often causes mild vaginal bleeding in some women. Dyspareunia is not a normal problem usually only affecting women. These women need to see a physician.

Pregnancy and Fibroids

Most women who have one of more of these growths which are noncancerous experience no pregnancy complications due to them. For up to 37 percent of pregnant women who do have fibroids, can end up having complications, the most common being abdominal pain, by light vaginal bleeding.

Other problems that fibroids and pregnancy can cause are acute pain in the abdominal area, and in certain cases, bleeding if the fibroid is near the placenta. In late pregnancy, women with fibroids are often more at risk to develop preterm labour.