March 9, 2025

ENOUGH OF DIETS: 9 ways to lose weight while you sleep


The digestive system and metabolism perform functions while you are resting.

1. Eat carbohydrates only at noon

Carbohydrates are a debate when it comes to losing weight. Maybe you think you should reduce them as much as possible, or maybe you have heard that they should not eat at night. That last statement is true: if you eat carbohydrates at night, you will not burn them at that time, so, while you sleep, they will turn into fats.

2. Eat avocado at dinner!

The avocado is delicious, has many benefits and, believe it or not, can help you lose weight at night too!

This advice has an explanation: the avocado has tryptophan, like banana, plum, and pineapple. This essential amino acid favors a deep sleep and the production of proteins and serotonin, that’s why they are advised so that those who seek to lose weight eat them at night. You could also incorporate some of those three fruits as a dessert.

Tryptophan is also present in the animal protein, but these are the best plant sources to find it.

3. Lower the temperature of the room

According to a study published in the journal Diabetes, sleeping in a cold room activates the “brown fat” in the body of adults. That means that, in that way, you can lose weight at a higher rate than at high temperatures.

Brown fat is a type of tissue that is very abundant in newborns and aims to produce heat, but some adults still have in unnecessary amounts.

However, you must be careful: the ideal temperature for sleeping is between 15 and 18ÂșC. If you use a lower temperature, you will sleep less deeply and that will harm the nocturnal metabolism.

4. Light dinner

According to most nutritionists dinner should provide between 15 and 25{f836da2089c4f6ac041f592a32b2c3a6b29da20f6bd03832a46b7a74d907c6fd} of daily calories. That way, you will not be hungry (which would affect your sleep and consequently your nocturnal metabolism), but you will not consume amounts of nutrients that you can not process at the time and that would turn them into fats.

5. Dinner earlier

The biggest problem with eating late is that those calories are no longer used to be spent that day, so their consumption does not make much sense. Even less when you consume at dinner about half the calories you eat all day, something that happens to many people, especially in countries where dinner is the food that is made at home after work and to which it is given more importance.

Ideally, do not eat anything for three hours before going to bed.

6. Take a tea before going to bed

Hot infusions help to relax and reconcile a deep and restful sleep more quickly. However, it should not be a common tea, since it contains the ina, which will make you feel more awake and will produce the opposite effect.

The ideal is green tea, which does not have that component, will let you sleep peacefully and is also known because it is believed to have slimming properties.

7. Turn off the light

A study published in the ‘American Journal of Epidemiology’ states that people who sleep in dark rooms are 21{f836da2089c4f6ac041f592a32b2c3a6b29da20f6bd03832a46b7a74d907c6fd} less likely to be obese than those who sleep in rooms where light enters.

It sounds strange, but what do you lose by trying?

8. Season with spicy

Spicy foods stimulate the metabolism, that is to say, that they make the food process better and burn fat, even when you are sleeping. Encourage spicy foods!

9. Eat more citrus

Like the spicy, citrus fruits promote the burning of fats. I consumed more whole juices and citrus fruits during the day, and I chewed fats during the break! And check regularly your IMC with tools like, take care!