March 29, 2025

How To Know If A Dentist Can Still Save Your Teeth

Tooth Decay

Part of managing your oral health involves checking for tooth decay. Tooth decay is a common problem that can develop over time if not properly addressed. That is why you should make an effort to consult with a dentist to determine evidence of cavity or damage. The following suggestions should help you determine whether a dentist can still save your teeth.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the problems in oral health. The disease comes from the formation of bacterial plaque and works its way in the different layers of the tooth. A routine visit to the dentist helps determine whether problems exist. You can also seek consultation if you feel sensitivity when drinking hot or cold beverage and pain after eating. The severity of pain will determine whether you need to have tooth extractions for the affected area.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is another risk that people need to consider. The problem occurs when gums become frequently exposed to bacteria and plaque. The buildup in the area causes infection and inflammation. If left untreated, people might lose a tooth. Other indications of periodontal disease include bad breath, pain, and discoloration of teeth. Again, it is best to maintain oral hygiene and talk to a dentist to prevent any issues from becoming severe.

Poor Dental Health

Poor dental health also creates issues for people. Someone who does not take care of their teeth leads to damaged oral cavity over time. For instance, people who smoke tobacco and take illegal drugs become prone to infection and inflammation in the gums and teeth. Similarly, people who do not brush their teeth often creates problems such as tooth decay and gingivitis. The solution should focus on following the advice of a dentist and sticking to the prescribed solutions.

Traumatic Situations

People who experienced dental trauma should seek immediate attention for potential tooth extractions. Trauma often occurs during accidents or injury due to physical activity. As such, you need to have your teeth checked for possible damage or dislocation. A qualified dental practitioner can either repair through surgical methods or remove a tooth if the damage remains severe.

Wisdom Tooth

A wisdom tooth can also become problematic for people. While some do not experience the issue, others experience pain and disrupt the alignment. Severe wisdom tooth problems also occur when the wisdom tooth becomes impacted. If you are experiencing pain in a specific area, the best option involves checking with an experienced dentist. A dental practitioner will observe the area in detail and x-ray the section to determine whether it shall become impacted.

The Bottom Line

Overall, a dentist can save your teeth by seeking professional help early. Their expertise will help determine the potential problem and come up with a solution plan that matches the severity of the condition. Beyond the diagnosis of the problem, dentists can also suggest possible changes to habits and hygiene. Frequent brushing of teeth along and flossing as well as reducing tobacco and alcohol intake reduce the risks of bacterial build-up and tooth damage.

Tooth extractions are an ordinary thing that we do extraordinarily well at North Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery. Contact us today to set an appointment.