March 29, 2025

No Gym? No Problem! Get Fit At Home


You do NOT need a gym to lose weight or get fit. I REPEAT, you do NOT need a gym membership to reach your goals! For years it has been glorified to spend hours in the gym doing cardio and lifting weights, and it’s said that it is the only way to reach your goals. But, I am here to tell you, you have options. Options that include finding balance, making small changes, working out at home and finding what works for you!

Most people, those that work, have kids or run a business do not have time to spend hours in the gym. Most people need a program that is going to be quick, yet effective to get them to their weight loss goals. Most people don’t want to even spend time commuting to the gym. That is where at-home workouts come in handy! I have spent over a year creating at home workout programs for those that are too busy to go to the gym, don’t have access to a gym, or just don’t like the gym. Workouts that include minimal equipment but are still just as effective as an hour in the gym. It isn’t about how long you workout, it’s about how hard you workout. And even then, it is possible to overdo it!

The at-home workouts I create take anywhere from 20-45 minutes and are tailored to your specific goals. Maybe you want to lose weight, maybe you want to be more athletic, maybe you just want to sweat a lot. Whatever it is, at home workouts are able to give you those results, if you put the effort in! Just like any workout, you have to be present and every workout needs to be intentional. Walking into the gym doesn’t automatically make you fit or reach your goals, you still need to put in the work. Same goes for at home, you have to shift your mindset from “home” to “hustle” and make it count!

At home workouts:

  • Save you time on commuting
  • Allow you to work out if you do not live close to a gym
  • You can wear whatever you want
  • No gym intimidation
  • No one is going to judge you
  • Your music can be as loud as you want
  • They’re free!

I am a big fan of at home workouts – and I have seen first hand how successful they can be!